Our lives are like a Treasure Chest full of amazing treasures, such as our passions, purpose, values, strengths, interests and talents!

It’s easy to work year after year without taking the time to reflect on what is important to you.  Work and life take over and the richness of our life starts to fade.   As time passes, you find you have run out of energy and a sense of purpose, and your get up and go has got up and gone!

 If you are feeling like this, and want to make some changes to discover again the richness, value and uniqueness of who you are, have you ever considered life and career coaching and/or professional supervision?


meet Your coach

Hi, I’m Lynnie Galloway, a life and career coach, and registered nurse and midwife. I’ve worked in the health industry for more than 40 years throughout New Zealand and abroad.

My passion is helping people discover the gifts that many don’t realise or believe they possess. I have a natural empathy, deep positive regard, and interest in people from all walks of life.


What do you need?

The Treasure Chest is a boutique company offering life and career coaching, as well as professional supervision and debriefing, for midwives, nurses and other health professionals. Because everyone’s needs are different, my aim is to plan a programme specifically tailored for each individual person around areas they identify as wanting to change.   

Many of my clients have a combination of life and career coaching along with professional supervision within their individual plans, as sometimes it is hard to separate life and work issues.  What is unique about The Treasure Chest is it offers a combination of services, rather than having to focus on one area.

Life Coaching

Working in the health industry can have its challenges - especially as we navigate a busy work environment along with shift work, ageing and fatigue.
Coaching is such a positive way for you to be able to draw aside from your busy schedule and reflect on what is important to you, make the changes you are wanting and move forward with confidence!


Career Coaching

It is easy to work year after year without taking time to reflect on where we are going with our career.
Through the coaching process, exploring topics such as your passions, values, strengths, and interests will enable you to see the richness of what you bring and contribute into your work life every day! You will gain clarity and confidence as you move ahead.

Professional Supervision

Many of us have been in the health profession for many years and have never taken the time to reflect on why we do what we do.
Having some professional supervision provides a powerful learning environment and can enable the practitioner to be able reflect on their professional practice in a safe environment. It helps to build resilience.



Within the health setting we are often confronted with medical and obstetric emergencies; traumatic situations that can influence us and our ongoing practice.
Taking the time to debrief as professionals enables us to reflect, discuss actions and see what can be changed as we move forward. Debriefing can enable the practitioner to discuss the events in a safe and structured way.


What my clients have to say